
Over the years, we have loved hearing from CareDrivers directly, and we want to share their favorite stories and experiences with the HopSkipDrive community and beyond. We know families, schools and community partners will love hearing from CareDrivers just as much as we do!

HopSkipDrive will be featuring weekly #YourRide CareDriver stories here and on Instagram.

Please follow @HopSkipDrive for the latest photos and videos from CareDrivers, and you can tag your own photos with #HopSkipDrive and #YourRide for a chance to be featured.

An important reminder to prioritize safety as we share different stories. We will never disclose the name or picture of a minor, or any member of the HopSkipDrive community, as a protective measure of privacy and confidentiality. Thank you.



This initiative is only open to active CareDrivers and is subject to the HopSkipDrive Terms of Use.

By submitting your statement, photo, and/or video (the “content”), you are granting HopSkipDrive permission to use your name likeness and content in media in any and all of its publications, including but not limited to all of HopSkipDrive’s printed and digital publications and advertisements. You understand and agree that any media using your content and likeness will become property of HopSkipDrive and will not be returned. HopSkipDrive reserves the exclusive right to post or not post content submissions to the HopSkipDrive website and social media accounts.

You must treat all information about Users, including Rider and Ride Organizer information as confidential information. It is a violation of the Terms of Use to include any personal information of a Rider, Ride Organizer, or another User in your content submission. Content that includes personal information of another User will be requested to be removed from social media. Terms of Use, paragraph 3(g).

It is HopSkipDrive’s policy that CareDrivers not take photos or videos of Riders, use inward-facing dashboard cameras, or otherwise record conversations with Riders, while using the HopSkipDrive app. This is to ensure that the privacy rights of HopSkipDrive Users (including the Riders, who are often minors) are protected. Refer to HopSkipDrive’s Safety Policies for more information.